GGłówny Urząd Statystyczny Statitics office of Poland
GADGET "Assessment of changes in driver behaviour resulting from the introduction of in-vehicle safety devices, visual modifications to the road environment, educational, training and legal measures, and safety campaigns." Slow or irrational reaction to unforeseeable situations was explained as an issue, an improvement of driver responses and a reduction of casualties should be the aim. The project should assist in dissemination of good practice and provide a basis for a regulatory framework. An inventory of all measures from low tech to high tech was proposed as an approach and each measure should be assessed in terms of its costs and benefits. Special attention should be given to the issue of risk compensation.
Garda Síochána - Ireland's National Police Service
Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium Ministry of Economy and Transport (GKM)
GOOD PRACTICES Inventory and compiling of a european "good practices" guide on road safety education targeted at young people (children & teenagers) The guide presents local road safety and First Aid practices that have proven valuable for improving road safety for children by making the way from home to school and back safer, teaching children how to be safe on the roads and how to behave in case of a crash. It is meant to encourage other communities and 0rganisations to replicate these practices in their own context. The guide is structured in such a way that it allows sharing experiences within the European Union and outside.
GRSP - Global Road Safety Partnership The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is an informal partnership of private sector, civil society, government and bi-/multi-lateral development organizations who share the premise that road safety conditions in the world, especially in developing countries, can be improved by working in partnership. GRSP's mission is to reduce deaths, injuries, disabilities and associated social costs of road traffic crashes through partnerhips which promote collaboration and coordination of road safety activities among partners for the benefit of the most vulnerable.