Statistics officeBTS - Bureau of Transportation Statistics The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is an operating administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). BTS compiles, analyzes, and makes accessible information on the Nation's transportation systems; collects information on intermodal transportation and other areas as needed; and works to enhance the quality and effectiveness of government statistics.
CBS - Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Central Bureau of Statistics (also known as 'Statistics Netherlands') is a government organisation; it is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The information that the CBS gathers contains many social aspects, from macro-economic indicators such as economic growth and consumer prices, to the quality of life of individuals. To do this, hundreds of surveys are carried out each year; among companies, households, and private and government institutions. The survey results provide a treasure of information about Dutch society.
Central Statistics Office Ireland
Český statistický úřad | ČSÚ Czech Statistical Office
CYSTAT - Statistical Service of Cyprus The aim of the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) is to provide accurate and up-to-date statistical information. The Statistical Service is the competent authority responsible for the compilation and the publication of most of the official statistical data in Cyprus.
Danmarks Statistik Use the "Statbank" to query data.
Eurostat Eurostat’s mission is to provide the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service
Główny Urząd Statystyczny Statitics office of Poland
Insee - Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques - France - statistiques et docume National statistical office of France
Instituto Nacional de Estadística - National Statistics Institute Statistical office of Spain
Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Statistics Portugal Statistical office of Portugal
IRTAD - International Road Traffic and Accident Database In 1988, the OECD Road Transport Research Programme established the International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) as a mechanism for providing an aggregated database, in which international accident and victim as well as exposure data are collected on a continuous basis.
Istituto Nazionale di Statistica Statistical office of Italy
Központi Statisztikai Hivatal Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Latvijas Statistika The overall purpose (mission) of Central Statistical Bureau is to provide domestic and foreign data users with timely, exact, complete, comprehensible, and internationally comparable statistical information on economical, demographic, social, and environmental phenomena and processes of Latvia by applying contemporary solutions of information technologies and the best experience in the branch.
Lietuvos Statistikos Departamentas - Statistics Lithuania
National Statistical Offices Websites
National Statistical Service of Greece
The National Statistical Service of Greece concentrates on and operates properly in order to: - coordinate effectively all the statistical works,
- ensure the harmonization of statistics compiled in our country, through uniform methodology, concepts, definitions and classifications to be applied by all services and institutions,
- provide methodological support to services and institutions asking its assistance,
- set up and update databases and meta-databases,
- provide products of high quality.
National Statistics The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the government department responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about the UK's society and economy. Impartial information is vital to an open and democratic society. ONS is the principal provider of official statistics about the UK. Its information is used by government to make decisions about society and the economy, and by people to better understand their country.
NSO - National Statistics Office
STATEC Luxembourg Statistical office of Luxembourg
StatFin - Statistics Finland
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia is the main producer and co-ordinator of carrying out programs of statistical surveys. In addition to linking and co-ordinating the statistical system, its most important tasks include international co-operation, determining methodological and classification standards, anticipating users' needs, collection, processing and dissemination of data, and taking care of data confidentiality.
Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic - Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky
Statistics Belgium
Statistics Estonia
Statistischen Bundesamt Deutschland - Federal Statistical Office
Statistisk sentralbyrĺ - Statistics Norway
Statistiska centralbyrån - Statistics Sweden