Knowledge disseminationANSR - Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária The National Road Safety Authority - ANSR - is the Portuguese public entity, under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in charge of road safety coordination and the application of Road Penalty Law.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) The National Research Council (CNR) is a public organization; its duty is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the Country.
CORDIS - Community Research & Development Information Service CORDIS represents the R&D starting point. As an integral part of the European Commission's INNOVATION Programme, CORDIS provides information on a vast range of research, development and innovation activities undertaken on a European level. It offers a wide range of services that keep you current on R&D and innovation activities that are occurring within the EU.
CROW In the CROW Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure, government an companies cooperate from their mutual interests in the design, construction, and management, especially of road and traffic provisions. This cooperation takes shape in the three main CROW goals: Research, Regulation, and Knowledge diffusion.
EuroSafe EuroSafe, the European Association for Injury Prevention and safety Promotion, is the network of injury prevention champions dedicated to making Europe a safer place. - Supporting and reviewing the state of art in injury prevention in Europe through project coordination and support; - Enhancing European-wide exchange of injury data and data products; - Identifying and disseminating good practices in injury prevention and safety promotion; and - Connecting all relevant stakeholders and professionals and increasing their involvement through capacity building and advocacy.
GRSP - Global Road Safety Partnership The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is an informal partnership of private sector, civil society, government and bi-/multi-lateral development organizations who share the premise that road safety conditions in the world, especially in developing countries, can be improved by working in partnership. GRSP's mission is to reduce deaths, injuries, disabilities and associated social costs of road traffic crashes through partnerhips which promote collaboration and coordination of road safety activities among partners for the benefit of the most vulnerable.