ResearchAdvancing Sustainable Safety Advancing Sustainable Safety critically examines the Sustainable Safety vision. Adaptations were made where necessary, because we have learned since our initial steps on the way towards a sustainably safe traffic. Advancing insights and new developments have also prompted the update of this vision.
Aino The goal of AINO is to develop the collection, management and utilisation of real time information in transport and thereby to create prerequisites for concrete ITS services, which will improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the transport systems as well as increase the well-being of citizens and the competitiveness of Finnish companies.
BASt - Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen BASt is a technical and scientific institute responsible to the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing (BMVBW). The scope of work is considerable, ranging from replying at short notice to incoming enquiries to the coordination and carrying out of research projects over a period of several years.
BIVV Belgisch Instituut voor de Verkeersveiligheid The Belgian Road Safety Institute BIVV wishes to promote road safety and traffic liveability by: campaigns and education, research and advice. Other tasks are: advising and accompanying, representing and co-ordinating, and implementation of government assignments.
CDV Centrum Dopravního Vyzkumu / Transport Research Centre CDV (Transport Research Centre) has more than forty years long tradition of research and development. CDV has been appointed since 1 july, 1996 by the decision of the Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic as the only research institute on transport issues under the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport.
Center for Excellence in Rural Safety The Center for Excellence in Rural Safety provides citizen-centered research, training, and outreach to enhance rural safety and to meet the online and seminar training needs of rural transportation practitioners and policymakers. The Center conducts several focused research activities to explore policy, behavior, and technology approaches, such as projects addressing safety-conscious planning, ITS and rural emergency response, integrated policy approaches, and related human factors, societal trends, and stakeholder needs analysis.
CIECA CIECA is the international commission for driver testing authorities, active in the fields of road safety and driver testing. CIECA members include driver testing authorities from 33 countries worldwide.
Consument en Veiligheid Consument en Veiligheid heeft als missie het terugdringen van het aantal ongevallen en de ernst van ongevallen in onze woon- en leefomgeving. Om dit te realiseren, opereren wij als makelaar in veiligheidskennis die primair is gericht op veiligheid in de privé-sfeer. Om dit goed te kunnen doen, hebben we ons de volgende doelen gesteld. - Onderhouden van een (inter)nationaal kenniscentrum voor wetenschappelijk verantwoorde monitoring en evaluatie van de letselproblematiek en van werkzame maatregelen op het gebied van veiligheidstechniek en voorlichting. - Beschikbaar zijn als ondersteuningscentrum bij het uittesten en duurzaam implementeren van veiligheidsprojecten. - Actief zijn als informatiecentrum voor de overheid, beroepsgroepen, het bedrijfsleven, consumentenorganisaties, de media en burgers
CROW In the CROW Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure, government an companies cooperate from their mutual interests in the design, construction, and management, especially of road and traffic provisions. This cooperation takes shape in the three main CROW goals: Research, Regulation, and Knowledge diffusion.
Danish Transport Research Institute (Danmarks TransportForskning) The Danish Transport Research Institute (DTF) is a sector research institute with expertise in many aspects of transport research, e.g. safety, environment and economy. The website contains all DTF's publications.
ETSC ETSC, a Brussels-based independent non-profitmaking organisation provides an impartial source of expert advice on transport safety matters to the European Commission, the European Parliament, and Member States.
FITSA - Fundación Instituto Tecnológico para la Seguridad y el Medio Ambiente del Automóvil Promotion of research, innovation and professional training in vehicle safety, environmental characteristics and the relations between the automobile and the society.
Hellenic Institute of Transport (Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Μεταφορών) HITs main objective is the conduct and support of applied research activities in the field of transportation in Greece. More specifically on issues relating to organization, operation, planning and development of infrastructure, and standardization, economic analysis, management, vehicle technology, and impact assessment of land, maritime, air, and multimodal transport services. Also training and education activities in related fields, dissemination of research activities and the Representation of Greece, in Transport Research and other relevant scientific fora abroad.
INRETS - Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité The INRETS is a state-financed scientific and technological body under the dual administrative supervision of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of TransportINRETS five main missions - To collect and develop scientific knowledge through a global approach of transports system.
- To carry out evaluative and advisory studies.
- To contribute to the general trend of higher education.
- To promote the research results within the framework of economic partnerships.
- To circulate the acquired knowledge among a wide audience.
Instytutu Transportu Samochodowego MOTOR TRANSPORT INSTITUTE The Institutes main objectives are: conducting, co-ordinating and popularising scientific research as well as development work on the road transport, working out new technical solutions, organisational and economic ones concerning mainly such subjects as road traffic participants. safety and environmental protection. Also fulfilling other tasks particularly important to obtain goals set out by social and economic state policy.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute are independent, nonprofit, research and communications organizations funded by auto insurers and dedicated to reducing highway crash deaths, injuries, and property losses.
INTRAS - Instituto Universitario de Tráfico y seguridad vial NTRAS (Institute of Traffic and Road Safety) is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of València dedicated to the scientific and applied research, the development and innovation, the training and advising in the field of road safety and traffic accidents, mainly from the point of view of the human factors and the driver’s behaviour with the vehicle, the infrastructures and the police controls.
IRCOBI International Research Council on Biomechanics on Injury Road transport deaths and injuries have been a byproduct of increased motorisation since the introduction of the motor car; but had gone largely unnoticed by policymakers until three decades ago. Therefore, a small group of researchers from different European countries agreed to combine two programmes one on accident biomechanics and the other on human tolerance to impact into the science of the kinematics of impact injuries. These deliberations resulted in the formation of the International Research Committee on the Biokinetics of Impact (IRCOBI) under the leadership of Prof. Bertil Aldman who chaired IRCOBI for almost 20 years. In 1992, this group changed its name to the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury to reflect more accurately its overall mission.
ISAweb.be ISAweb.be is a site on intelligent speed adaptation and road-safety wich will bring you the latest issues, news and information on Intelligent transport systems and road-safety in Belgium. You will find some general information on ISA, the projects in Belgium and around europe. Also there are several publications, which you can download for your own use.
ITE - Institute of Transportation Engineers The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), an international individual member educational and scientific association, is one of the largest and fastest-growing multimodal professional transportation organizations in the world. ITE members are traffic engineers, transportation planners and other professionals who are responsible for meeting society's needs for safe and efficient surface transportation through planning, designing, implementing, operating and maintaining surface transportation systems worldwide.
IZVW Center for Traffic Sciences As a psychology department with a focus on cognitive ergonomics in traffic we carry out applied research on the interaction of traffic environment, driver and vehicle.
Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid (KiM) Meer weten over mobiliteit. Dat is waar het Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid (KiM) zich mee bezighoudt. Als zelfstandig instituut binnen het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (VenW) maakt het KiM verkenningen en beleidsanalyses voor mobiliteitsbeleid waarmee de strategische basis voor dat beleid wordt versterkt. Het KiM is gepositioneerd binnen VenW. De inhoud van de producten van het KiM is vrij van beleidsmatige en politieke sturing. De beleidsonderdelen van VenW en de Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat zijn betrokken bij de programmering van de activiteiten van het KiM.
KfV - Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit Wir verstehen uns als Meinungs- und Bewusstseinsbildner für das Thema Sicherheit in all seinen Facetten. Wir untersuchen und entwickeln Wege, Unfälle zu vermeiden und Menschen Sicherheit zu bieten. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, Gefahrenquellen zu erforschen, das Unfallrisiko zu senken und zukunftsorientierte Antworten für ein sicheres Leben zu geben.
KTI - Közlekedéstudományi Intézet Institute for Transport SciencesVision The Hungarian transport system forms an integral part of the transport network of the enlarged European Union: - it is safe,
- efficient and competitive,and
- it promotes sustainable development at both national and Union level.
Latvia Road Traffic Research The company is found on 21st of January, 2005 with the aim to obtain and examine all-round information and to make complex, independent and objective analysis of the road traffic problems in Latvia and Europe.
Liikenneturva - the Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland The Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland is a national expert organization aiming at improving road safety by influencing people’s traffic behaviour and values and attitudes concerning traffic throughout society. The means for achieving the goal are publicity and education. The target groups for these are all road users, particularly the people and organizations specifically concerned with traffic matters. The goal is to reduce the number of hazardous situations, risk factors and accidents in traffic and to alleviate their consequences.
LINTU LINTU is a long-term research and development programme for road safety financed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finnish Road Administration and Finnish Vehicle Administration. The programme is based on a road safety vision adopted by the Government: The road transport system must be designed so that nobody should die or be seriously injured on the roads.
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) is a public institution of science and technology, which is subject to the Ministry for Public Works, Transports and Communications, covering the broad field of civil engineering.
National Technical University of Athens The National Technical University (NTUA) is the oldest and most prestigious educational institution of Greece in the field of technology, and has contributed unceasingly to the country's scientific, technical and economic development since its foundation in 1836.
Onderzoeksraad The Dutch Safety Board is a statutorily established autonomous agency, responsible for the independent and integral investigation of the causes and possible consequences of disasters, serious accidents and incidents in a broad range of sectors
Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa Portuguese Road Prevention
RONCALLI In the course of RONCALLI, the “Intelligent Speed Adaptation - ISA” concept is first being tested in Austria in the Lower Austrian districts of Wien-Umgebung, Mödling and Baden. A satellite-based driver assistance system informs drivers of current speed limits and warns of speeding violations. The start of the test run started early 2004 in the City of Klosterneuburg and continued throughout the first half of 2005 in the town of Mödling.
SafetyNet - building a European Road Safety Observatory The EU target of a 50% reduction in fatalities by 2010 will only be achieved by the introduction of the most effective countermeasures. It relies on the existence of basic knowledge of crashes and their causation and the availability of road safety data to monitor and assess performance. The EC has expressed the demand for a "Road Safety Observatory" in its 2001 White Paper and other public documents. This Proposal is for an Integrated Project that meets those demands. When complete the data resources developed within SafetyNet will revolutionise the EU approaches to road safety. This proposal is for an ambitious and exciting project that will bring together all of the most experienced organisations within the EU to assemble a co-ordinated set of data resources that together will meet the EC needs for policy support. The Road Safety Observatory will enable the Commission to monitor progress towards targets, identify best practise, and ensure that new regulatory and other safety actions will result in the maximum casualty reduction. All data assembled or gathered within the project will be available over the web to the entire road safety community.
Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung bfu Wir sind seit 1938 auf dem Gebiet der Nichtberufsunfallverhütung tätig und haben den gesetzlichen Auftrag, uns für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung einzusetzen. Rund 90 Mitarbeitende befassen sich mit der Unfallprävention in den Bereichen Strassenverkehr, Haus, Freizeit und Sport. Wir sind eine privatrechtlich organisierte, politisch unabhängige Stiftung und werden durch Beiträge aus der Nichtberufsunfallversicherung, Mittel des Fonds für Verkehrssicherheit und Eigenleistungen finanziert.
SWOV SWOV wants to make a contribution to promoting road safety by means of knowledge from scientific research. SWOV is an independent, scientific institute. SWOV's knowledge is public information and is made available to anyone who wants it, and is professionally involved in traffic and road safety in the Netherlands. SWOV is a leading institute, both in the Netherlands and abroad, thanks to its knowledge and it's high quality research.
Tøi - The Institute of Transport Economics (Transportøkonomisk institutt) The Institute of Transport Economics (Transportøkonomisk institutt) is a national institution for transport research and development. The main objectives of the Institute are to carry out applied research on issues connected with transport and to promote the application of research results.
TRL - Transport Research Laboratory TRL is an independent, internationally recognised centre of excellence in surface transport issues. The organisation provides research based technical help which enables customers to obtain improved value for money, generate competitive advantage and a better understanding of transport problems. TRL employs around 500 staff with a wide range of professional disciplines, among them mathematicians, physicists, psychologists, engineers, geologists, computer experts and statisticians. Facilities include a state of the art driving simulator, a new indoor impact test facility, a 3.8 km test track, a separate self-contained road network, a structures hall. extensive library and conference centre.
Vehicle & Road Safety (VSRC) The VSRC was established in 1983 to provide transport and road safety policy and design solutions to governments and the industry using in-depth real world research tools. The Centre's ongoing research and consultancy activities for major clients have led to its reputation as a world leader in its field, often collaborating with other national and international organisations to offer complementary research activities, thus providing clients with a single location for research and consultancy services.
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center The Volpe Center is an innovative, federal, fee-for-service organization within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Our work is performed primarily for DOT, as well as other federal agencies and state, local, and international entities. All of our work supports DOT's goals: Safety, Mobility, Global Connectivity, Environmental Stewardship, Security, and Organizational Excellence as described in U.S. DOT's Strategic Plan 2003-2008.
VTI - Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Väg- och transportforskningsinstitut) VTI conducts applied research, commissioned by the transport sector, in the fields of infrastructure, traffic and transport. Our expertise covers traffic engineering, traffic safety, economics of transport, environmental aspects of transport systems, railway engineering, road user behaviour, vehicle engineering, human factor, collision safety and the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations of higways and railways.
VTT - VTT Communities and Infrastructure VTT Communities and Infrastructure is one of the nine research institutes of VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland. The business idea of VTT Communities and Infrastructure is to provide information on communities and physical infrastructures for the needs of industry and commerce as well as public authorities.
Výskumný ústav dopravný The Transport Research Institute (TRI), in its 50-year history, have fulfilled important national economic assignments related to national transport policy making and implementation. Wide know-how integrates the TRI activities into the scientific and research basis of the Slovak Republic, which is one of the most important priorities of the TRI's long-term strategy.
Zavod za gradbenistvo Slovenije Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute ZAG Ljubljana is an independent, impartial and non-profit organization, which fulfils all the requirements of the EEC Council Directive No. 89/106 regarding approval bodies which carry out the testing and attestation of conformity of construction products.