VVägtrafikinspektionen The Road Traffic Inspectorate will safeguard the interests of individuals in a safe road transport system. Its work will be characterised by the humanistic view on which "Vision Zero" is based. Safe road traffic is our primary objective and "Vision Zero" is the loadstar that guides our work. If all who are able to influence the situation on our roads had their own "vision zero", great strides could be made in the work on creating safer roads. On this website you can see who we are and read a brief account of our fields of experience.
Vägverket - Swedish National Road Administration The SNRA is the national authority assigned the overall sectoral responsibility for the entire road transport system. The SNRA is also responsible for drawing up and applying road transport regulations. In addition, the SNRA is responsible for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the state roads. This sectoral responsibility involves representing the State at a national level in issues relating to the environmental impact of the road transport system, road traffic safety, accessibility, level of service, efficiency and contributions to regional balance, as well as in issues relating to intelligent transport systems, vehicles, public transport, modifications for the disabled, commercial traffic in addition to applied research, development and demonstration activities within the road transport system.
VC-COMPAT Improvement of vehicle crash compatibility through the development of crash test procedures The following tasks are to be accomplished in this project. Regarding car-to-car impact: First to draw up a suite of draft test procedures and associated performance criteria for car-to-car impacts. Secondly to build a framework for a crash compatibility rating system. Thirdly to improve the understanding for vehicle crash compatibility with general recommendations for the design of compatible cars. Regarding car-to-truck impact: First to set up test procedures and associated performance criteria to assess and control truck frontal structures for frontal impact compatibility with cars. Secondly identify suggestions for improving rear and side under-run safety. An overall goal is an indication of the benefits and costs of improved compatibility for both car-to-car and car-to-truck.
Vehicle & Road Safety (VSRC) The VSRC was established in 1983 to provide transport and road safety policy and design solutions to governments and the industry using in-depth real world research tools. The Centre's ongoing research and consultancy activities for major clients have led to its reputation as a world leader in its field, often collaborating with other national and international organisations to offer complementary research activities, thus providing clients with a single location for research and consultancy services.
Veilig Verkeer Nederland Veilig Verkeer Nederland is een ondernemende verkeersveiligheidsorganisatie van vrijwilligers en beroepskrachten, die werkt aan veilig verkeer en het daarbij vooral opneemt voor kwetsbare weggebruikers. Veilig Verkeer Nederland ondersteunt mensen bij het oplossen van problemen, komt samen met hen in actie en oefent invloed uit op het beleid van overheden.
VERONiCA Vehicle Event Recording based on Intelligent Crash Assessment -Summarizing and evaluation of studies and prevention experiences of accident data recorders in Europe and third countries, for example the United States and Australia. -The identification of the functional characteristics of accident data recorders on board vehicles.
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center The Volpe Center is an innovative, federal, fee-for-service organization within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Our work is performed primarily for DOT, as well as other federal agencies and state, local, and international entities. All of our work supports DOT's goals: Safety, Mobility, Global Connectivity, Environmental Stewardship, Security, and Organizational Excellence as described in U.S. DOT's Strategic Plan 2003-2008.
Vozimo pametno Slovene Road Safety Council
VTI - Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Väg- och transportforskningsinstitut) VTI conducts applied research, commissioned by the transport sector, in the fields of infrastructure, traffic and transport. Our expertise covers traffic engineering, traffic safety, economics of transport, environmental aspects of transport systems, railway engineering, road user behaviour, vehicle engineering, human factor, collision safety and the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations of higways and railways.
VTT - VTT Communities and Infrastructure VTT Communities and Infrastructure is one of the nine research institutes of VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland. The business idea of VTT Communities and Infrastructure is to provide information on communities and physical infrastructures for the needs of industry and commerce as well as public authorities.
Výskumný ústav dopravný The Transport Research Institute (TRI), in its 50-year history, have fulfilled important national economic assignments related to national transport policy making and implementation. Wide know-how integrates the TRI activities into the scientific and research basis of the Slovak Republic, which is one of the most important priorities of the TRI's long-term strategy.