PPACTS - Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) is an associate Parliamentary group and registered charity, advising and informing MPs and Peers on road, rail and air safety issues. The PACTS charitable objective is to protect human life through the promotion of transport safety for the public benefit.
PENDANT Pan-european co-ordinated accident and injury databases The project will provide new levels of crash and injury data to support EU vehicle and road safety policy making by developing two new European data systems. The first will be collected in eight countries and will contain in-depth crash and injury data relating to over 1100 injured car occupants and pedestrians. The second information system, will utilise hospital injury data relating to all road user types that already exists in three EU countries. These separate databases will be linked to a range of police, vehicle registration and driver licensing databases using new statistical procedures that will be developed during the project. Together with existing EU funded projects including CARE, SARAC, MAIDS and EACS, these datasets will provide a comprehensive picture of all of the key aspects of accident and injury causation in the EU.
PEPPER The objective of the PEPPER project is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the police enforcement of road traffic. The project looks critically at all relevant aspects of enforcement, such as target behaviours, the detection of infringements, administrative and legal handling after infringement, decisions concerning the volume, location and timing of enforcement, effects of enforcement on road user behaviour and accidents, enforcement methods and tools, collection of enforcement data, and enforcement in the social context. Speeding, drink driving and use of seat belts are especially targeted. The need for improved enforcement data and better understanding of the impacts is recognised, and the potential of innovative technologies in the different links of the enforcement chain is studied. The work is organised in five work packages.
PIARC - World Road Association PIARC - World Road Association - was founded in 1909 following the 1st International Road Congress held in Paris in 1908. It is the oldest international association concerned with Road Engineering, Road Policy and the Management of Road Networks. It has evolved since and now boasts 93 Member Governments and other Members in 129 countries worldwide. The official languages of PIARC are French and English. The Central Office of PIARC is located in PARIS, France.
Politie België On this Belgian website you will find, among others, tips about what to do if you have become a victim of a break-in or accident. You will discover practical maps that show where the closest police corps is situated.
Politie Nederland Politie.nl is the official website of the Netherlands Police.
Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa Portuguese Road Prevention
PReVENT The Integrated Project PReVENT is a European automotive industry activity co-funded by the European Commission to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating preventive safety applications and technologies. Preventive safety applications help drivers to avoid or mitigate an accident through the use of in-vehicle systems which sense the nature and significance of the danger, while taking the driver’s state into account.
PREVENT The objective of the project PREVENT “DEVELOP A TRAINING PROGRAMME TO IMPROVE WORK ZONE SAFETY” is to provide appropriate training to the main actors involved in work zone accidents: the workers and the drivers. To achieve this, PREVENT has developed dedicated and life-long vocational training schemes for highway repair and maintenance worker training personnel, and driving instructors. The ultimate goal of PREVENT is to increase safety around work zones and reduce the number or work zone related accidents.
Projects financed by the Commission
PROMISING Promotion of mobility and safety of vulnerable road users The PROMISING project aimed at developing measures that reduce the risk of injury to vulnerable and young road users as much as possible in a non-restrictive way. That is to say that safety and mobility must be improved together; the improvement of safety should not lead to reduced mobility. In the current situation in Europe, the mobility needs of vulnerable road users hardly receive any priority in traffic and transport planning. As a consequence, safety policies often have a curative approach, which restricts the mobility of these vulnerable road users. PROMISING focused on four groups of such vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, motorised two-wheelers (i.e. motorcyclists and mopedists) and young car drivers.
PROSPER Project for research on speed adaptation policies on european roads The global project objective is to answer the following questions: How efficient are the use of road speed management methods based on information technology (ISA) in comparison with traditional physical means? How will road users across Europe react to such developments? What are suitable strategies for implementation and what obstacles have to be overcome? The main project output will be the assessment of cost benefit and cost effectiveness of ISA road speed management methods in relation to traditional methods, and a thorough analysis of possible and suitable implementation strategies for different road speed management methods.