LLa Sécurité Routière La Sécurité Routière est l'association luxembourgeoise pour la prévention des accidents de la route. L'association a pour objet de promouvoir et d'encourager toutes initiatives propres à accroître la protection des usagers et des riverains de la route et à prévenir les accidents de la circulation routière. A cette fin elle pourra, tant sur le plan national qu'international, prendre toute participation dans des sociétés et adhérer à des associations qui poursuivent des buts analogues aux siens ou facilitent la réalisation de son objet social.
Latvia Road Traffic Research The company is found on 21st of January, 2005 with the aim to obtain and examine all-round information and to make complex, independent and objective analysis of the road traffic problems in Latvia and Europe.
Latvijas Statistika The overall purpose (mission) of Central Statistical Bureau is to provide domestic and foreign data users with timely, exact, complete, comprehensible, and internationally comparable statistical information on economical, demographic, social, and environmental phenomena and processes of Latvia by applying contemporary solutions of information technologies and the best experience in the branch.
Latvijas Valsts ceïi The Latvian State Roads performs the management of the state road network, administration of the State Road Fund and organisation of public procurement in order to provide the publics with profitable, durable, safe and environmentally friendly state road network. Maintenance and development of parish, company and household roads is supervised, as well.
LCVR - Ligue contre la violence routière Fondée en 1983, la agit pour que la plus meurtrière des délinquances en France soit traitée avec la gravité qu'elle mérite. Organisée en associations départementales, elle interpelle tous les acteurs de la sécurité routière: ministres, élus, préfets, maires, élus, constructeurs automobiles, conducteurs de poids lourds, automobilistes, motocyclistes.
Lietuvos automobilių kelių direkcija prie Susisiekimo ministerijos The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania is an enterprise founded by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania which is in charge of organizing and co-ordinating the reconstruction, maintenance and development of the roads of national significance.
Lietuvos Respublikos Susisiekimo Ministerija Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania
Lietuvos Statistikos Departamentas - Statistics Lithuania
Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö The Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland promotes national well-being and the efficient functioning of society by making sure that people, commerce and industry have access to high-quality, safe and reasonably priced transport and communications networks, and by furthering the competitiveness of transport and communications companies.
Liikenneturva - the Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland The Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland is a national expert organization aiming at improving road safety by influencing people’s traffic behaviour and values and attitudes concerning traffic throughout society. The means for achieving the goal are publicity and education. The target groups for these are all road users, particularly the people and organizations specifically concerned with traffic matters. The goal is to reduce the number of hazardous situations, risk factors and accidents in traffic and to alleviate their consequences.
LINTU LINTU is a long-term research and development programme for road safety financed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finnish Road Administration and Finnish Vehicle Administration. The programme is based on a road safety vision adopted by the Government: The road transport system must be designed so that nobody should die or be seriously injured on the roads.
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) is a public institution of science and technology, which is subject to the Ministry for Public Works, Transports and Communications, covering the broad field of civil engineering.