EnglandDepartment for Transport The Department for Transport's aim is transport that works for everyone. This means a transport system which balances the needs of the economy, the environment and society. The Department for Transport provides leadership across the transport sector to achieve its objectives, working with regional, local and private sector partners to deliver many of the services. This section contains information on the Department's aims and objectives, its organisational structure, and the responsibilities of the various affiliated agencies.
Driving on line This Web Site shares the seriousness of driving safely with the pleasure of good driving and some essential humour.
Highways Agency The Highways Agency, established in 1994, is an executive agency of the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions. The Secretary of State is responsible for overall Government policy on motorways and trunk roads in England and determining the strategic framework and the financial resources within which it operates.
Institution of Highways and Transportations Originally established in 1930 as the Institution of Highway Engineers before changing its name in 1987 in recognition of sector developments. The IHT is the foremost learned society in the UK concerned specifically with the design, construction, maintenance and operation of sustainable transport systems and infrastructure. It aims to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information and views on highways and transport policy; to produce practical technical publications; to provide specialist advice to government and other bodies; to make roads safer for the travelling public; and to encourage training and professional development to meet today's requirements.
National Statistics The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the government department responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about the UK's society and economy. Impartial information is vital to an open and democratic society. ONS is the principal provider of official statistics about the UK. Its information is used by government to make decisions about society and the economy, and by people to better understand their country.
PACTS - Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) is an associate Parliamentary group and registered charity, advising and informing MPs and Peers on road, rail and air safety issues. The PACTS charitable objective is to protect human life through the promotion of transport safety for the public benefit.
RoSPA The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is a registered charity which was established over 80 years ago. Providing information, advice, resources and training, RoSPA is actively involved in the promotion of safety in all areas of life - at work, in the home, and on the roads, in schools, at leisure and on or near water. RoSPA aims to campaign for change, influence opinion, contribute to debate, educate and inform - for the good of all.
TRL - Transport Research Laboratory TRL is an independent, internationally recognised centre of excellence in surface transport issues. The organisation provides research based technical help which enables customers to obtain improved value for money, generate competitive advantage and a better understanding of transport problems. TRL employs around 500 staff with a wide range of professional disciplines, among them mathematicians, physicists, psychologists, engineers, geologists, computer experts and statisticians. Facilities include a state of the art driving simulator, a new indoor impact test facility, a 3.8 km test track, a separate self-contained road network, a structures hall. extensive library and conference centre.
Vehicle & Road Safety (VSRC) The VSRC was established in 1983 to provide transport and road safety policy and design solutions to governments and the industry using in-depth real world research tools. The Centre's ongoing research and consultancy activities for major clients have led to its reputation as a world leader in its field, often collaborating with other national and international organisations to offer complementary research activities, thus providing clients with a single location for research and consultancy services.