CCARE - Community Road Accident Database CARE is a Community database on road accidents resulting in death or injury (no statistics on damage - only accidents). The major difference between CARE and most other existing international databases is the high level of disaggregation, i.e. CARE comprises detailed data on individual accidents as collected by the Member States.
CAST Campaigns and Awareness-raising Strategies in Traffic Safety CAST is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) set up with the support of the European Commission, to meet the Commission’s needs for enhancing traffic safety by means of effective road safety campaigns. CAST aims at developing an evaluation tool and a design tool for road safety mass media campaigns.
CBS - Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Central Bureau of Statistics (also known as 'Statistics Netherlands') is a government organisation; it is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The information that the CBS gathers contains many social aspects, from macro-economic indicators such as economic growth and consumer prices, to the quality of life of individuals. To do this, hundreds of surveys are carried out each year; among companies, households, and private and government institutions. The survey results provide a treasure of information about Dutch society.
CDV Centrum Dopravního Vyzkumu / Transport Research Centre CDV (Transport Research Centre) has more than forty years long tradition of research and development. CDV has been appointed since 1 july, 1996 by the decision of the Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic as the only research institute on transport issues under the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport.
CEDEX (Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas) The Transport Studies Centre (Centro de Estudios de Transporte) is, within CEDEX, the organization specialized in the design, construction and management of road networks, traffic engineering and road safety.
Center for Excellence in Rural Safety The Center for Excellence in Rural Safety provides citizen-centered research, training, and outreach to enhance rural safety and to meet the online and seminar training needs of rural transportation practitioners and policymakers. The Center conducts several focused research activities to explore policy, behavior, and technology approaches, such as projects addressing safety-conscious planning, ITS and rural emergency response, integrated policy approaches, and related human factors, societal trends, and stakeholder needs analysis.
Central Statistics Office Ireland
Centre for Tunnel Safety The Centre for Tunnel Safety co-ordinates, expands and broadens this existing knowledge. Knowledge about (underground) constructions and the safety precautions thus applicable are of great importance, as is a risks analysis and insight into traffic related aspects as well as human behaviour in cases of disaster. The Centre gears itself towards an integrated reflection of both the prevention of disasters, as well as self-rescuing and emergency services.
Český statistický úřad | ČSÚ Czech Statistical Office
CHILD CHILD aims to increase the knowledge in areas specifically regarding children, and use the information in applications of child restraint systems design, testing and regulation.
CIECA CIECA is the international commission for driver testing authorities, active in the fields of road safety and driver testing. CIECA members include driver testing authorities from 33 countries worldwide.
Conseil National de Sécurité Routière Créé par décret du 28 août 2001 et installé le 25 octobre 2001, le Conseil National de la Sécurité Routière est associé à l'élaboration et à l'évaluation de la politique des pouvoirs publics en matière de sécurité routière. Ces principales missions sont: - proposer au gouvernement des mesures en faveur de la sécurité routière - procéder à des évaluations des actions engagées.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) The National Research Council (CNR) is a public organization; its duty is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the Country.
Conspicuity The Commission plans to implement a directive to make the fitting of retro-reflective material to HGV compulsory. The principal objective is to reduce the number of accidents due to the bad visibility of HGV during darkness. The objective of the study is to assess, by means of cost-benefit analysis, the probable consequences of making so-called contour or line markings mandatory. The outcome of this study is that such action would be cost-beneficial (between 1.3 and 3.4 to 1)
Consument en Veiligheid Consument en Veiligheid heeft als missie het terugdringen van het aantal ongevallen en de ernst van ongevallen in onze woon- en leefomgeving. Om dit te realiseren, opereren wij als makelaar in veiligheidskennis die primair is gericht op veiligheid in de privé-sfeer. Om dit goed te kunnen doen, hebben we ons de volgende doelen gesteld. - Onderhouden van een (inter)nationaal kenniscentrum voor wetenschappelijk verantwoorde monitoring en evaluatie van de letselproblematiek en van werkzame maatregelen op het gebied van veiligheidstechniek en voorlichting. - Beschikbaar zijn als ondersteuningscentrum bij het uittesten en duurzaam implementeren van veiligheidsprojecten. - Actief zijn als informatiecentrum voor de overheid, beroepsgroepen, het bedrijfsleven, consumentenorganisaties, de media en burgers
CORDIS - Community Research & Development Information Service CORDIS represents the R&D starting point. As an integral part of the European Commission's INNOVATION Programme, CORDIS provides information on a vast range of research, development and innovation activities undertaken on a European level. It offers a wide range of services that keep you current on R&D and innovation activities that are occurring within the EU.
CROW In the CROW Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure, government an companies cooperate from their mutual interests in the design, construction, and management, especially of road and traffic provisions. This cooperation takes shape in the three main CROW goals: Research, Regulation, and Knowledge diffusion.
CSDD - Ceļu satiksmes drošības departaments Since June 5, 1997, CSDD (Road Traffic Safety Department) is non-profit state stock company and in accordance with the Statutes deals with the registration of vehicles, examination of drivers and issuing of driver’s licenses, periodic technical inspection, supervision of roads and maintaining of the State Register of Vehicles and Drivers.
CYSTAT - Statistical Service of Cyprus The aim of the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) is to provide accurate and up-to-date statistical information. The Statistical Service is the competent authority responsible for the compilation and the publication of most of the official statistical data in Cyprus.