NetherlandsAdvancing Sustainable Safety Advancing Sustainable Safety critically examines the Sustainable Safety vision. Adaptations were made where necessary, because we have learned since our initial steps on the way towards a sustainably safe traffic. Advancing insights and new developments have also prompted the update of this vision.
ANWB One of the tasks of the Royal Dutch Tourist Club ANWB is to promote the collective interests of its members. This usually occurs backstage in consultation with the government and branch organisations.
CBS - Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Central Bureau of Statistics (also known as 'Statistics Netherlands') is a government organisation; it is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The information that the CBS gathers contains many social aspects, from macro-economic indicators such as economic growth and consumer prices, to the quality of life of individuals. To do this, hundreds of surveys are carried out each year; among companies, households, and private and government institutions. The survey results provide a treasure of information about Dutch society.
Centre for Tunnel Safety The Centre for Tunnel Safety co-ordinates, expands and broadens this existing knowledge. Knowledge about (underground) constructions and the safety precautions thus applicable are of great importance, as is a risks analysis and insight into traffic related aspects as well as human behaviour in cases of disaster. The Centre gears itself towards an integrated reflection of both the prevention of disasters, as well as self-rescuing and emergency services.
Consument en Veiligheid Consument en Veiligheid heeft als missie het terugdringen van het aantal ongevallen en de ernst van ongevallen in onze woon- en leefomgeving. Om dit te realiseren, opereren wij als makelaar in veiligheidskennis die primair is gericht op veiligheid in de privé-sfeer. Om dit goed te kunnen doen, hebben we ons de volgende doelen gesteld. - Onderhouden van een (inter)nationaal kenniscentrum voor wetenschappelijk verantwoorde monitoring en evaluatie van de letselproblematiek en van werkzame maatregelen op het gebied van veiligheidstechniek en voorlichting. - Beschikbaar zijn als ondersteuningscentrum bij het uittesten en duurzaam implementeren van veiligheidsprojecten. - Actief zijn als informatiecentrum voor de overheid, beroepsgroepen, het bedrijfsleven, consumentenorganisaties, de media en burgers
CROW In the CROW Information and Technology Centre for Transport and Infrastructure, government an companies cooperate from their mutual interests in the design, construction, and management, especially of road and traffic provisions. This cooperation takes shape in the three main CROW goals: Research, Regulation, and Knowledge diffusion.
Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart (DVS) The Transport and Navigation Department (TND), as a specialist service, is part of the Directorate General of the Department of Public Works of the Ministry of Transport. It fulfils a central role as traffic and transport knowledge centre, and as such is involved in policy making and implementation of these aspects.
Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid (KiM) Meer weten over mobiliteit. Dat is waar het Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid (KiM) zich mee bezighoudt. Als zelfstandig instituut binnen het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (VenW) maakt het KiM verkenningen en beleidsanalyses voor mobiliteitsbeleid waarmee de strategische basis voor dat beleid wordt versterkt. Het KiM is gepositioneerd binnen VenW. De inhoud van de producten van het KiM is vrij van beleidsmatige en politieke sturing. De beleidsonderdelen van VenW en de Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat zijn betrokken bij de programmering van de activiteiten van het KiM.
Ministerie Verkeer & Waterstaat This is the official website of the Ministry of Transport.
Onderzoeksraad The Dutch Safety Board is a statutorily established autonomous agency, responsible for the independent and integral investigation of the causes and possible consequences of disasters, serious accidents and incidents in a broad range of sectors
Politie Nederland Politie.nl is the official website of the Netherlands Police.
Raad voor de Transportveiligheid The Dutch Transport Safety Board has ceased to exist and has become part of The Dutch Safety Board inJanuary 2005
RDW Centrum voor Voertuigtechniek en Informatie The RDW Vehicle Technology and Information Centre serves by following the total life span of vehicles and their relevant documents. The RDW, using its main competence, aims at offering extra added social value in the form of concrete products and services for governments and companies.
SWOV SWOV wants to make a contribution to promoting road safety by means of knowledge from scientific research. SWOV is an independent, scientific institute. SWOV's knowledge is public information and is made available to anyone who wants it, and is professionally involved in traffic and road safety in the Netherlands. SWOV is a leading institute, both in the Netherlands and abroad, thanks to its knowledge and it's high quality research.
Trafficlinq TrafficLinq is a an extensive directory of links covering issues regarding road traffic and transportation. The site is aimed at traffic and transportation professionals. TrafficLinq is run by a Dutch group of professional traffic journalists. A team of editors selects the best sites on ITS, public transport, transportation planning, traffic engineering, sustainable mobility, congestion pricing, traffic information, parking, traffic safety, bicycling, commuting, software, organizations and traffic industry. There is also a large section on books on traffic and transportation. And you can scan all transportation sites with one query.
Veilig Verkeer Nederland Veilig Verkeer Nederland is een ondernemende verkeersveiligheidsorganisatie van vrijwilligers en beroepskrachten, die werkt aan veilig verkeer en het daarbij vooral opneemt voor kwetsbare weggebruikers. Veilig Verkeer Nederland ondersteunt mensen bij het oplossen van problemen, komt samen met hen in actie en oefent invloed uit op het beleid van overheden.