NNational Roads Authority The Authority's primary function, under the Roads Act 1993, is 'to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of national roads'. For this purpose, it has overall responsibility for planning and supervision of construction and maintenance works on these roads.
National Statistical Offices Websites
National Statistical Service of Greece
The National Statistical Service of Greece concentrates on and operates properly in order to: - coordinate effectively all the statistical works,
- ensure the harmonization of statistics compiled in our country, through uniform methodology, concepts, definitions and classifications to be applied by all services and institutions,
- provide methodological support to services and institutions asking its assistance,
- set up and update databases and meta-databases,
- provide products of high quality.
National Statistics The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the government department responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about the UK's society and economy. Impartial information is vital to an open and democratic society. ONS is the principal provider of official statistics about the UK. Its information is used by government to make decisions about society and the economy, and by people to better understand their country.
National Technical University of Athens The National Technical University (NTUA) is the oldest and most prestigious educational institution of Greece in the field of technology, and has contributed unceasingly to the country's scientific, technical and economic development since its foundation in 1836.
National Transportation Library (NTL) Charged with improvingthe availability of transportation-related information needed by Federal, state,and local decision-makers, the National Transportation Library's (NTL) missionis to increase timely access to the information that supports transportation policy, research, operations, and technology transfer activities.
NCSA - National Center for Statistics and Analysis NCSA is responsible for providing a wide range of analytical and statistical support to NHTSA and the highway safety community at large, in the general areas of: Human, vehicle, environmental, and roadway characteristics, as they relate to crash frequency and injuries. Identifying injury mechanisms and associated crash dynamics in motor vehicle crashes. Evaluating the effectiveness of crashworthiness, crashavoidence, and traffic safety efforts etc. To address the many analytic requirements, data are obtained from a variety of sources. The major data sources are NCSA's own Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS).
NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA is responsible for reducing deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes.This is accomplished by setting and enforcing safety performance standards for motor vehicle equipment, and through grants to state and local governments to enable them to conduct effective local highway safety programs.
NHTSA Publications Catalog Our Safety Materials Catalog contains publications released by our Office of Traffic Safety Programs. Traffic Safety encompasses Communication and Outreach, Injury Control and Traffic Safety Research. The NHTSA Publications Catalog, a supplement to the Safety Materials Catalog, offers publications generated and released by all other offices within NHTSA. The Publications Catalog offers access to reports, research studies, testing procedures and results - where available, statistics, procedures for motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, and other consumer-related materials offered by NHTSA.
Northwestern University Transportation Library The Transportation Library was founded in 1958 to support the curricula and research programs of the Transportation Center and the Center for Public Safety of Northwestern University, including the School of Police Staff and Command. Containing over 400,000 items, the Transportation Library of Northwestern University is one of the largest transportation information centers in the world, encompassing information on all transportation modalities. The Transportation Library's staff produce two major bibliographic resources, Current Literature in Traffic and Transportation, published quarterly, and TRAN, a web based periodical index of transportation and law enforcement articles and conference proceedings.
Norwegian Public Roads Administration The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for the planning, construction and operation of the national and county road networks, vehicle inspection and requirements, driver training and licensing.
NPACS New programme for the assessment of child seats
NPACS will provide independent published guidance to consumers on the relative protection afforded by child restraint systems which can be used in a wide range of road vehicles, through: - reliable methods of dynamic testing
- assessment of their ease of use
- regular European evaluation of the performance of these products.
NSO - National Statistics Office
NTF - Nationalföreningen för Trafiksäkerhetens Främjande The National Society for Road Safety is a non governmental organisation which works to improve road safety. NTF is an umbrella organisation and consists of 24 county road safety federations, 70 national, interest and professional organisations and hundreds of local voluntary associations. The national network is made up of thousands of people working to help you contribute to a safe road traffic.