AADVANCED Advanced is a study of post-licence driver and rider training co-financed by the European Commission. It describes and analyses voluntary, post-licence training and makes a series of recommendations on how to improve such training. It emphasises the importance of avoiding overconfidence amongst trainees and indicates how training can be more effective and balanced.
Advancing Sustainable Safety Advancing Sustainable Safety critically examines the Sustainable Safety vision. Adaptations were made where necessary, because we have learned since our initial steps on the way towards a sustainably safe traffic. Advancing insights and new developments have also prompted the update of this vision.
ADVISORS Action for advanced Driver assistance and Vehicle control systems Implementation, Standardisation, Optimum use of the Road network and Safety. Research and development have created a range of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that may facilitate the tasks of drivers in the growing complexity of traffic conditions. ADAS are fitted to an ever larger number of road vehicles, while it is not clear how they impact on environmental and safety performance of the road transport system.
Aino The goal of AINO is to develop the collection, management and utilisation of real time information in transport and thereby to create prerequisites for concrete ITS services, which will improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the transport systems as well as increase the well-being of citizens and the competitiveness of Finnish companies.
Ajoneuvohallintokeskus AKEn AKE (Finnish Vehicle Administration) promotes vehicle safety and environmental-friendliness and provides vehicle information services for private citizens, state authorities and companies. AKE operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
ALCOLOCK Alcolock implementation in the European Union; an in-depth qualitative field trial
ANDREA Driver rehabilitation courses for the reintegration of traffic violators are a growing market in many EU-states. It was the objective of the “Andrea”-project (Analysis of Driver Rehabilitation Programmes) to analyse which elements of these courses are more or less effective.
ANSR - Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária The National Road Safety Authority - ANSR - is the Portuguese public entity, under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in charge of road safety coordination and the application of Road Penalty Law.
ANWB One of the tasks of the Royal Dutch Tourist Club ANWB is to promote the collective interests of its members. This usually occurs backstage in consultation with the government and branch organisations.
APROSYS Even though road fatalities per year have fallen by almost percent since 1990, they still numbered almost 40 000 in 2001. Despite early reductions, the number of road injuries has been rising again since 1993 and is now almost equal to the level in 1990 (Source: European environment agency). The decrease in the number of road transport fatalities and increase in the number of injuries at increasing number of road accidents can, amongst others, be explained by introduction of improved technologies for newer vehicles and higher vehicle safety standards
APSN - Advanced Passive Safety Network The aim of APSN is to mobilise the European scientific & business expertise in Vehicle Passive Safety to accelerate improvements in road safety in order to reduce the annual road victims for the European Union. APSN joint technical and scientific objective is to enhance the level of road safety at affordable costs for the individual user as well as for the European society.
ARROWS Advanced Research on Road Work Zone Safety Standards in Europe. A Transport RTD Project financially supported by the European Commission / DG II under the 4th Framework Programme.
Association Prevention Routière La Prévention Routière a pour but d'étudier et de mettre en œuvre toutes les mesures et d'encourager toutes les initiatives propres à réduire la fréquence et la gravité des accidents de la circulation routière.
Assessing The European Road SafetY Problem - an eXploitation study of the CARE Database Exploitation study of the CARE database in 2000 by independent road safety institutions in the Member States. Assessment of the current value of CARE to the research community and to identify future directions of development.
Automobile and Touring Club of Greece