
Data Warehouse

This Work Package deals with the development of a road safety Data Warehouse, a comprehensive and integrated system with aggregate data and information consolidating, organising and making available all existing data and information, necessary for the support of road safety decision making in Europe. This Data Warehouse will become a complete and easily accessible working tool for road safety policy makers and stakeholders.

Work Package 3 consists of six main tasks:

  • Task 1: Data Warehouse Design and Development
  • Task 2: Assembly of National Data
  • Task 3: Assembly of National Information
  • Task 4: Establishing Links with External Files
  • Task 5: Organising Meta Data
  • Task 6: Establishing Output Interfaces

The first task concerns the system design and the development and operation of databases and interfaces of the Data Warehouse. Eventually, this Dacota system will integrate existing data in an aggregate form, together with additional data and information that will be gathered within WP3 from all examined sources in a standardised form. The system will comprise of all necessary databases that can be accessed, internal and external links, as well as an appropriate interface to make available all data and information, including the necessary meta data.

The second task will focus on making an assembly and standardizing additional available data at National level to be incorporated in the Dacota system, focusing also on other than road accident types of data (risk/exposure data, performance indicators, health and causation indicators, etc.).

The third task deals with gathering and assessment of national information concerning road users' attitudes and behaviour, rules and road safety programmes, their social costs and benefits, which need to be jointly considered with other road safety data for the support of policy making.

The fourth task concerns gathering, linking and standardization of road safety data and information available in the various national and international data and information files, including data available in previous research projects and in stakeholders (vehicle industry, road industry, insurance companies, health sector etc.).

The fifth task consists of the collection and organization of all meta-data related to the data and information gathered and processed by the various WP3 Tasks, so that these can be available in a most useful, reliable and comparable form.

The sixth task concerns the establishment of the necessary output interfaces in order to provide the necessary data in the appropriate format. These outputs concern Statistical Reports, Basic Fact Sheets with additional non-CARE data (in-depth accident data, exposure data), as well as country performance comparisons.

Expected Outcomes
Establishment of an easily accessible, integrated road safety system, consisting of Data(road accident data, risk exposure data, safety performance indicators, in-depth data, health indicators/data), Information(programmes, measures, legislation, social cost, behaviours/attitudes, regulations) and Tools (search tools, analysis tools, communication tools).