Decision Support
To offer research support to road safety decision makers and enable knowledge-based road safety management, this Work Package will: (1) exploit the data available for analysis by providing forecasts of the road safety situation in the different member states and, possibly, the whole of Europe; and (2) work on the development of ready-to-use instruments. Tools that were well-appreciated in the past will be standardised and complemented by new tools. This will be done in close communication with the end-users themselves. The end-users mainly concern the policy makers, but may in some case also concern power-users from research and the industry.
The Work Package consists of three main tasks:
- Decision Support Feedback Group
- Analyses
- Tools for policy support
The first task will be executed in collaboration with the “Safety Policy” Work Package of DaCoTA (WP1) and concerns the consultation of a panel of experts about the needs of policy makers in terms of data, analyses, and tools. To ensure that the products of this work package are indeed tailored to the policy makers’ needs, this panel (or a subgroup) will be consulted for input and feedback on each of the products named below.
The second task will focus on monitoring the past development of road safety, and forecasting evolution to enable target setting.
In the third task, tools will be prepared that help presenting knowledge in a compact way, accessing detailed data in an intuitive way, and giving an overview of the road safety situation in European countries in a comparable way.
Expected Outcomes
National forecasts
To have a model that is simple enough to describe the development in most European countries a minimal forecasting model will be defined. This will be compared with a more elaborate model for those countries offering more data.
European forecasts
The national models will be joined into a European model that forecasts road safety fatalities in Europe under the assumption that no major changes are implemented.
Web texts
Web texts are already provided on the ERSO website that give compact, impartial information on important road safety issues. These will be updated and web texts on complimenting issues will be added.
Browser tool for data warehouse
A browser tool will allow easy access to information stored in the Data Warehouse that will be developed in Work Package 3.
Country overviews
These will give an overview of the road safety situation in each country with ratings on different aspects of road safety. Data availability allowing, the scores will concern final road safety outcomes, performance indicators, policy performance and background characteristics. The country overviews are meant to enable detailed country comparisons.
Country indices
It will be investigated whether the information given in the country overviews can be further condensed into a composite road safety index.