Performance indicator statistics
One of the macroscopic road safety related areas that SafetyNet focuses on concerns Safety Performance Indicators (SPI). Such variables indicate road safety by looking at the operational state of the road traffic system.
In an iterative manner, the SafetyNet SPI team has developed theoretically sound, yet practically feasible indicators, and has obtained the relevant data - or information about their availability - from the 27 cooperating countries. The SPI Country Profiles Report 2006 presents, for each country studied, the relevant available data that is relevant for the calculation of Safety Performance Indicators.
- Indicator areas:
- Alcohol and drug use
- Speeding
- Protective systems
- Daylight running lights
- Vehicles (passive safety)
- Roads
- Trauma management
Cooperating countries:

For information on how to establish the necessary systems of data collection for producing national SPIs, in each one of the predefined safety fields, and to make them comparable on a European level please consult the SPI Manual.