Statistical Report
The Annual Statistical Report 2008 gives a detailed insight into road accident data in up to 19 EU Member States (EU-15 and EU-20 without Germany).
This report serves as a reference document from which the broader public but also road safety experts are able to retrieve interesting data. The Annual Statistical Report 2007 covers accident data over the period 1997-2006.
Structure of the Annual Statistical Report 2008:
Overview – major issues
Time Series – last 10 years
- General time series
- Time series related to mode of transport
- Time series related to person age and gender
Fatalities 2006
- People involved
- Modes of transport
- Accident characteristics
Fatal accidents 2006
- Various period of time
- Type of area / road
- Type of junction
- Weather conditions

At the end of the report a glossary of CARE definitions further clarifies the selected accident variables.