Swiss Council for Accident Prevention, Switzerland
Swiss Council for Injury Prevention (BFU) - SWITZERLAND
In the non-occupational sector the BFU aims at reducing road accident risks through research, target-oriented measures and to mitigation of the consequences of accidents, thus contributing to a better quality of life. The legal form of BFU is the one of a non-governmental, private foundation. BFU strives for interdisciplinary preventive measures, combining and integrating the areas of technology, psychology, education, law, medicine, social aspects and the media. The BFU wants to achieve safe behaviour as well as an error-forgiving environment through education, training, information, campaigns, legislation and technical measures.
The Research department covers the following activities:
- Epidemiology: descriptive and partly analytical
- Development of Interventions: Field tests, Surveys
- Evaluation: Process-, Impact- and Outcome –Evaluation of safety measures
- Cost-Benefit-Analysis