
  • The safety oriented road accident investigations should be conducted with as much openness and transparency as possible.
  • The European safety oriented road accident investigation programme should be independent. Accident investigations could be conducted in cooperation with, but should not be influenced by stakeholders whose vested interests lie in the data collected.
  • The European safety oriented road accident investigation programme should have sufficient financial resources and should not rely on external funding to conduct any individual accident investigation.
  • Each Member State should identify a geographical area in which they shall conduct safety oriented road accident investigations. Sampling plans should be developed, according to the European Programme, enabling harmonised data to be fed in a European database.
  • Safety oriented road accident investigations should be carried out by one or more dedicated, multidisciplinary teams. Each team should have a core group of permanent members with specialist knowledge across the relevant areas of accident investigation and sufficient road safety experience. Investigators should also receive comprehensive training in accident investigation to ensure uniform standard of investigation across the Member States.
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