
  • The investigation team should be notified of accidents at the same time as the emergency services or as soon as reasonably possible to allow a timely response.
  • Data should be collected about the human, vehicle and environment components of a road accident in sufficient detail to conduct a safety oriented road accident investigation.
  • Data collected according to a public investigation manual should build a complete picture of the accident.
  • It is best practice to: 1 visit the accident scene and examine the road environment as soon as is reasonably practical (either while vehicles are in their post crash rest position or within a few days of the accident), 2 examine the vehicle, either at the scene or in a recovery garage, 3 speak to the involved road users and witnesses and employ trained medical personnel to collect injury data (e.g. use hospital data).
  • Investigators should use standardised tools and be provided with adequate equipment to collect data in a systematic way.
  • Safety oriented road accident investigation data should be kept separate from the judiciary inquiry. Investigators should not be called to court as expert witnesses on a case they are investigating or have investigated.
  • Member States should define, in the framework of their respective legal system, the legal status of the investigation that will enable the investigators to carry out their task in the most efficient way and within the shortest time. Road accident investigators should be given the right, either through legislation or otherwise and where appropriate in cooperation with the authorities responsible for the judicial enquiry including the police, to access all evidence relevant to the investigation.
  • The purpose of the investigation and criteria for data collection should be disclosed to all people and agents involved in the accident investigation. They should receive honest and open explanations about what the investigation is for and who will use the data collected. The answering of questions should be optional and the contact details of those conducting the investigation should be disclosed to the road users and witnesses involved.
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