The Basic Fact Sheet Children provides accident data for 19 EU countries (EU-20 without Germany) over the period 1997-2006. The fact sheet includes several basic characteristics of fatal road accidents involving children (people younger than 16 years). For example: age and gender, type of road, mode of transport, day of the week and time of the day or the seasonality.
Children are at a greater risk than the overall population and their fatality rate is higher than the overall fatality rate. However, less than one in twenty fatalities in road traffic accidents is a child.
Fact: About 1.200 children died in road traffic accidents in 2006 (EU-14 plus Estonia, Hungary, Malta and Poland) (see Figure 1).
Fact: Children are, on average, at less than a quarter of the risk of dying in a road traffic accident than the average person.
Figure 1: Number of child fatalities and their proportion on total fatalities in EU-14, 1997-2006
Source: CARE Database / EC
Date of query: July 2008