Urban areas

The Basic Fact Sheet Urban areas provides accident data for 14 EU countries (EU-15 without Germany) over the period 1997-2006. The fact sheet includes several basic characteristics of fatal road accidents in urban areas. For example: age and gender, type of road user, junction and day and month.


In 2006, 8.164 persons were killed in urban road traffic accidents in the EU-14. This is 33,2% of all traffic accident fatalities in 2006. In the last decade, urban road fatalities have reduced by more than one quarter (29,3%), while the total number of fatalities has reduced slightly less (29,1%).

Fact: The number of fatalities in urban road accidents has fallen since 1997. The percentage of all fatalities that occurred within urban areas, however, remained around 33%.

Fact: The percentage of the elderly fatalities is much higher inside urban areas.


Number of urban road fatalities and proportion on total fatalities in EU-14, 1997-2006

Source: CARE Database / EC

Date of query: July 2008


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